I remember when I was a student in class, we watched a video of a surgeon removing handfuls upon handfuls of tapeworms from a patient’s intestines. Most of us don’t have parasites that bad but I see parasites far too often in patients in my practice.
Typically, I have found parasites to be residing in people’s intestines and sinuses/cranium. Patients will experience depression or mood swings (especially with a full moon). Others will experience diarrhea, excessive bloating in their stomachs, or even blockages/constipation when their defecate.
There are 3 categories of parasites. The two I’m concerned with are Helminths (tapeworms, roundworms, flatworms) and Protozoans (single cell parasites that can travel in the blood stream).
People can ingest the eggs of parasites from the soil, fecal matter (pets), tap water, undercooked meat. I find that pets are a common source of infection for patients.
When I treat patients, I need to find out exactly what category of parasites are causing the infection and their location in the body. I then need to determine exactly what herb will target that parasite. I’ve had multiple patients find their poop loaded with parasites and eggs after the proper herb is used. In general, though, if you are not being tested, I would get a tincture of Wormwood and Black walnut. Put a dropper full in water three times a day. Also take activated charcoal (1hr from food) once a day to help with drainage.
