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Writer's pictureShane Martin


INTENTION It's a pretty terrible experience when you have herniated a disk or suddenly have severe back pain. You feel immobilized. The things that seemed so simple an hour ago suddenly seem to be a monumental task. Getting out of bed sends crippling pain down your spine. Getting to the bathroom sometimes requires that you crawl rather that walk. Having a bowel movement takes place only when it's necessity eventually over rides the pain it creates. There are many causes for lower back pain. Some of these causes can be treated or managed with the correct know how. Other causes may require surgery. For those causes that can be more easily managed I would like to divest what knowledge I have so as to make your life a little easier and your purpose more easily fulfilled. As always, my initial recommendation is to find a trusted physician (DC or MD) for a correct diagnosis and effective treatment. For those without that luxury I will share what I can in terms of self care. PROBLEMS -HERNIATED DISK This is one of the more common problems with low back pain. There are cartilaginous disks between the vertebral bones in the human spine. As these disks weaken with age, poor diet, disease, or trauma they may begin to slip out from between the vertebral disks. Similar to the juice seeping out of a blueberry as you squeeze it between your fingers. It can cause local pain in the back that often increases as you bend over. If the seeping disk is touching a nerve root coming out of the spine than pain can travel down the legs, across the abdomen, or down the buttocks. It is common for these herniated disks to be found just above the buttocks at the lower parts of the spine (lumbar spine). This type of injury is especially common among overweight truck drivers. The person is sitting in a bent position for hours on end (which is slowly pushing the disk out), and there is constant micro trauma to the disk as the person bounces up and down in their car seat. -VERTEBRAL MALPOSITION (OR VERTEBRAL SUBLUXATION) Other times a vertebral bone might be slightly mispositioned due to a fall or an injury. If this is the case than pressure might be put on a nerve root causing searing pain down the legs or lower body. -FACET FRACTURE The facet is a joint in which one vertebrae joins with another. If there is too much pressure placed on this joint in time it may fracture, especially when compounded with a car accident or sports injury. The pain is local and does not travel throughout the body. This is common in people with a large gut and is found typically in the area slightly above the buttocks. By now you can tell that this is a particular vulnerable area in the human spine that is more prone to damage than other places (apart from the neck). -MUSCLE SPASMS If the bony structure of the spine is not rigid enough than the surrounding muscles will compensate by tightening up to provide the missing support. Things that detract from this support include neurologically weak abdominal muscles, lack of belly breathing, spending too much time in a sitting/flexed position, or simply have a lack of structural integrity in the bone itself. There are instances where the body's immune system is specifically attacking the muscles in the body. This might be a consequence of an auto immune disease. -CAUDA EQUINA This is an acute emergency and requires an immediate visit to the emergency room ASAP! In this scenario the disk between the vertebrae has rupture so completely that significant portions of the nerve root to the lower half of the body is occluded. If left unattended the nerves affected will die. Classic signs include lack of feeling between the inside portion of the legs (where a person would make contact with a horse saddle), inability to control the bladder or bowel, and constant erection. RUPTURED DISK TREATMENT -PHYSICAL MEDICINE Doing 15 reps of half pushups 3 times a day. In this case the person is keeping their abdomen on the ground but pushing their upper body up and off the ground. This helps pushes the disk back into position. If pain increases after these exercises than desist. If there is no room to do a push up then a person can simply put their hands on their hips and push their spine back into extension while standing. The sitting disk technique is an excellent method as well. It involves lying on your back for 5 minutes 3 times a day. Locate what side the herniated disk is on then place the toe of your shoe under your back near the disk. Place your other shoe under your hip on the opposite side. If the pain increases then try switching the shoes on the opposite side each. -FOOD/SUPPLEMENTS If the muscles are spasming it is advised to put cold packs over the area of complaint for 5 minutes at a time a couple of times a day. Foods that can be used to bring down the swelling and pain are turmeric root, ginger, and lots of water. Supplements for the ruptured disk will include Ligaplex1 (for sever pain), Ligaplex2 (for old injuries), BCQ10 (for reducing inflammation and swelling), Horsetail, and Valerian complex. For the muscle spams you can take Horsechestnut, Gingko, Crampbark, and Ligaplex1 or 2. A CalMgZn-D3 complex and Vitamin B complex is highly recommended as well. For food it is highly recommended that you maintain a strict diet of fresh fruit and vegetables and the protein of your choosing. Stay away from sugar, carbs, and processed foods. This will only increase the swelling in the disk and increase pain Foods to consume specifically would be a juiced stalk of celery every morning (for reducing inflammation), bone meal (for rebuilding the cartilage), and lots of water. -OTHER Long term it is best to loose weight around the midsection and practice belly breathing. This stabilizes the spine and reduces muscle spasms. VERTEBRAL MALPOSITION TREATMENT -PHYSICAL MEDICINE The best thing for this position is a specific vertebral manipulation for a Chiropractic Physician. I've had patients come to me with incredible pain throughout their spine after slipping on some ice. After a manipulation from me they were running around again as if nothing had ever happened. If the malposition is in the lower back it is possible to mobilize or move their area gently back into place on your own. Look up "supine spinal stretch pose" on the internet and you will see a picture of a young woman twisting her spine. Gently do this on either side until you hear a "pop" sound. This will be of the vertebrae correcting itself. If pain increases it may be a herniated disk and other treatment will be needed. FACET FRACTURE TREATMENT -OTHER The best with a facet fracture is to give it rest and time to heal. If you will be using your back it will be an excellent idea to get a belt to secure and immobilize the spine while the facet is healing. Apart from time for repair is giving the body the tools it needs to make the repairs. For this defer to the diet described under "Ruptured Disk." Sometimes the facet joint is not fracture but is simply jammed in place with the facet above it. This will be evident partially in that the leg on the affected side will be slightly shorter then the opposite leg. If this is the case then the shorter leg will need a sharp tug. The directing force will be away from the head to loosen the "facet jam" (otherwise known as an "imbrication"). It is advised that you see a Chiropractic Physician for this. MUSCLE SPASM TREATMENT -PHYSICAL MEDICINE This will include learning to breath more with the belly rather than with the chest, spending more time in a standing position, and doing extension exercises every day. Daily exercise is an excellent option which increases the serotonin in the body. This indirectly decreases inflammation throughout the body. -SUPPLEMENTATION Supplements that help with muscle spasms are Horsechestnut, Gingko, Crampbark, Cataplex E, F, and Ligaplex. If you are someone who has been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia the following supplements and herbs might be of use: MinChex, Cat G/B, Nevaton, Rhodiola, Gingko, and Astragalus. If there is pain or restlessness in the upper legs then there may be a Magnesium deficiency at hand, and is consequently recommended. SUMMARY There are an innumerable causes for lower back pain. This is a small list of very common causes of lower back pain that can at times be self managed. I hope this has give you a few tools to help manage your life a little bit better than before so as to continue unhindered in whatever purpose in your life you have been called to carry out.

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