So, the Holidays are over and people are going to the stores stalking up on health food. There are a few things that will help people lose their Holiday weight the fastest.
I know there is a lot of hype on the market regarding the pharmaceutical Ozempic. It was originally intended for people suffering from type 2 diabetes and it is all the craze among Hollywood celebrities. Here are some concerns:
1-It literally shuts down your gut. Your poop becomes diarrhea, and the gut is unable to absorb nutrition from the little food you are eating. There are stories of celebrities who couldn’t stop having diarrhea after their first few injections.
2-It has been shown to cause cancer.
3-It predisposes people to emotional or psychological problems due to induced malnutrition.
Choose 4-6 hours of space each day where you fit in all of your food and calories. In doing this you eat for 4-6 hours then fast for about 20 hours. This trains the body to prefer a smaller rather than a larger weight and the body naturally becomes leaner.
The tried-and-true Keto diet. Originally designed for people suffering from epilepsy. Reduce your carb intake to 25g a day and eat lots of protein and vegetables. The body naturally switches to stored fat rather than glucose for energy.
Take 1 Tb of Moringa powder two times a day in a protein shake or with fruit. The body’s food cravings become significantly less, and you end up filling yourself with incredible energy and nutrition.
We offer this program in my office to get rid of unwanted weight. The goal is to get rid of toxicity in the body. As toxins leave the body the stored water naturally leaves as well. In the first week patients lose as much as 11lbs due to this process.