Ever get constipated, gassy, or bloaty? Every have Diarrhea that just won’t stop? One possible reason for all or some of these symptoms is a condition called SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth).
In your gut there is a garden of bacteria. In fact, there are more bacterial cells than there are human cells in your body. You could say there are more of them than there are of you. At times various strains of bacteria in your gut will outcompete the other strains. When there is an imbalance of good bacteria in your gut this can lead to SIBO.
Some practitioners will tell you that it takes months or years to heal from this condition. I have had patients who have had diarrhea for years due to SIBO. After diagnosing their condition and putting them on the correct herb they have experienced a full reversal of their symptoms within a week.
There are a variety of lad tests with stool samples that can be utilized. These are expensive and take time. In my office I use vial testing. So far this has been incredibly accurate and allows to figure out exactly what herb is needed to heal the patient.
To keep yourself from getting SIBO or maintaining after recovery it is important to eat a large variety of fresh green vegetables to feed the variety of bacteria in the gut. In terms of herbs to fix SIBO I have used the herbs Illicium, Mimosa, Olive Leaf, and Artimesia with great effect.
